
Unlock the Oxygen Secret: Boost Cellular Oxygen with CO2

We’ve all been told that getting more oxygen into our cells is a really good thing. Many diseases occur because of a lack of oxygen, whether it’s ischemia, hypoxia, or other conditions. Oxygen is essential for our well-being.

Ways to Increase Oxygen Levels

You may already know that sleeping with the window open, having more plants in your room, and engaging in aerobic exercise can help increase oxygen levels. Being outside in nature can also provide more oxygen. Methylene blue is another interesting substance that can give more oxygen to the cells.

The Surprising Key to Oxygen Release: CO2

There is an interesting secret about oxygen that you may or may not know about to increase the available oxygen into the cells, the release of oxygen out of your blood cells is controlled by CO2. You might have thought CO2 was a waste product and not needed, but it is actually crucial for the release of O2. This phenomenon is called the Bohr effect. CO2 increases the acidity, which loosens up the oxygen so it can be released.

Hyperventilation and Oxygen Saturation

During a panic attack, a person hyperventilates, attempting to get more oxygen, but not getting enough CO2. The most common recommendation for hyperventilation is to breathe into a paper bag, which increases CO2 and allows oxygen to go into the cells.

Monitoring Oxygen Saturation with an Oximeter

An oximeter can help monitor your oxygen saturation, which should be between 95% and 99%. This can provide a reading of how much oxygen is saturated in your blood.

Increasing CO2 to Increase Oxygen

It may sound counterintuitive, but increasing CO2 can help balance oxygen and CO2 levels, especially when under stress. Slowing down your breath and balancing inhalation with exhalation can help achieve this balance.

The Benefits of Increased CO2 Tolerance

By increasing your CO2 tolerance, you can greatly help with stress, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, inflammation, depression, exercise endurance, and respiratory problems. You’ll even be able to hold your breath longer.

How to Test Your CO2 Tolerance

To test your CO2 tolerance, you can perform a simple test involving nose breathing and timing your exhalation after three deep breaths. Based on the length of your exhalation, you can determine your tolerance and make improvements as needed.

Techniques to Improve CO2 Tolerance

  1. Nose breathing: Breathe through your nose instead of your mouth to increase oxygen levels.
  2. Diaphragm breathing: Focus on breathing in through your stomach, not your chest.
  3. Balanced inhalation and exhalation: Ensure your inhalation equals your exhalation to improve sleep and oxygen levels.
  4. Box breathing (4-4-4-4): Breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and hold the exhalation for four seconds.
  5. Holding your breath: Practice holding your breath, but do this safely and not while driving.

Resources for Increasing CO2 Tolerance

There are several other things you can do to increase your CO2 tolerance, and many resources are available online. By using an oximeter, you can test yourself and see what works best for you.


Understanding the relationship between oxygen, CO2, and the Bohr effect can lead to improved well-being and overall health. By practicing techniques to increase CO2 tolerance, you can experience a range of benefits and improve your body’s ability to get the oxygen it needs.


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