
6 Ways to Treat Constipation Naturally and Unclog Your Colon

Constipation is a common issue that can cause discomfort and pain in the body. When the body is unable to digest and eliminate waste fast enough, it can lead to constipation, which is characterized by dry, hard lumps in the stool that are difficult to pass. Other symptoms include having less than three bowel movements per week and feeling fullness, even after trying to use the toilet. If left untreated, constipation can cause inflammation in the intestines, infections, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, and damage to pelvic floor muscles from straining too hard when using the toilet.

In this article, we will explore the top six ways to clear out waste from the colon and eliminate constipation by fixing the root causes of the problem.

Bile Acids

Bile is a vital liquid made by the liver and gallbladder that lubricates the colon, helps in digesting fats, and absorbs nutrients from food. Unfortunately, many people are deficient in bile because they have a slow or sluggish gallbladder or a fatty liver due to being overweight. This causes bile to thicken, leading to a buildup of dry feces in the colon, making it difficult to pass.

To overcome this, you can take a supplement containing conjugated bile acids on an empty stomach in the morning and again when you eat a meal. Bile supplements have different names, such as oxbial extract, bile acid factors, purified bile salts, and you can also find them in digestive enzyme blends. Taking bile in the morning helps to mobilize the feces and stool in your colon by lubricating the entire system.

Water and Sea Salt

Dehydration is another common cause of constipation, and many people simply do not drink enough water or consume enough electrolytes, which can dry out the colon. Drinking one pint of water with one-quarter teaspoon of sea salt in the morning can quickly refresh the digestive system and bring up fluid levels. Sea salt is also essential as it helps stimulate digestive juices in the stomach.

Please note that drinking too much coffee, tea, or caffeine can dehydrate the body and trigger constipation in some people.

Prebiotic Fiber

If you have constipation quite often, you may have an imbalance in the bacteria that live inside your gut. There are over 100 trillion friendly bacteria in your intestines that help digest your food, break it down, and eliminate it from the body. However, consuming lots of refined grains and sugars like bread, cakes, sweets, biscuits, and cereals can weaken the balance and make your microbes less diverse.

To build these back up, start eating foods that are rich in soluble fiber, like chia seeds, avocados, guacamole, hummus, brussels sprouts, cabbage, pecan nuts, sauerkraut, other fermented vegetables, and lots of salad leaves. Your friendly microbes will eat the soluble fiber from these foods, making them stronger and supporting your digestion to move waste through your colon.

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you suffer from acid reflux, GERD, indigestion, regurgitation, or heartburn with constipation, it’s usually a sign of stomach acid problems. Antacids are often prescribed, which neutralize important digestive juices, making the stomach even weaker.

To improve this situation, take two to three capsules of apple cider vinegar with a tall glass of water before each meal of the day or use one tablespoon of liquid apple cider vinegar mixed in water. This tonic helps to bring down the pH level of your stomach acid back to normal, stimulating the release of enzymes from your pancreas that help digest your food and pass waste to clear out your constipation.


Senna is a fast-acting herbal remedy that contains phytonutrients, which speed up peristalsis, the pumping action of the muscles that push waste through your large intestines. You can drink Senna tea up to three times a day for a maximum of seven days to stimulate the muscles in your gut. This herbal remedy is very effective for short-term constipation relief. However, if you have long-term constipation for more than one to two weeks, consider using the other remedies discussed in this article.

B Vitamins

Many people who have constipation also suffer from a B vitamin deficiency, especially B1. Eating sugar and other refined foods and grains like flour, bread, popcorn, cereal, pastries, biscuits, sweets, and soda drinks depletes the body of vitamin B1 and the B complex. This causes problems with nerve signaling from the brain stem to the muscles in your gut, slowing down the pumping action of the colon called peristalsis.

Taking B1 and other B vitamins helps to relax your nervous system and turn on the rest and digest system. This promotes normal digestion and the flow of waste through your intestines. The best natural form of vitamin B1 is called alethiamine, but you can also get it by eating unfortified nutritional yeast and garlic regularly.

Simple Stretches to Stimulate a Bowel Movement

In addition to the remedies mentioned above, some simple stretches can help stimulate a bowel movement quickly. Here are three stretches you can do at home:

  1. Half Spinal Twist

Sit down on the floor or a mat, carpet, or towel so that you are comfortable. Bend the left leg and place your left foot on the ground over your right knee. Now bend your right knee and tuck your right foot near your butt. Place your right elbow near your left knee and gently twist your body, looking over your left shoulder. Breathe deeply, hold for a moment, and then switch sides and repeat the exercise. This gentle twisting action increases blood flow and stretches the abdominal muscles, encouraging stools to move through your digestive system.

  1. Wind Relieving Pose

Lie on your back and gently pull your knees toward your chest. Place your hands around your shins, tucking your chin in while pressing your lower back onto the floor. Hold this pose and breathe deeply for 10 seconds, release, and then repeat it five times. This pose can help relieve pain and pressure caused by a buildup of waste and gas.

  1. Supine Spinal Twist

Lie flat on your back, bring your arms out to the side in a T position with your palms down against the ground. Bend one leg at the knee, and while keeping your shoulders flat, gently let the bent leg drop over the other leg. Hold this pose and breathe deeply for 10 seconds, release, and then repeat on the opposite side. This pose brings blood and oxygen to the muscles in your digestive tract, speeding up bowel movement.


Constipation can cause discomfort and pain, but fortunately, there are several natural remedies and stretches to help clear out waste from the colon and eliminate constipation. Bile acids, water and sea salt, prebiotic fiber, apple cider vinegar, Senna, and B vitamins are all effective ways to treat constipation naturally. Additionally, simple stretches like the half spinal twist, wind-relieving pose, and supine spinal twist can help stimulate a bowel movement quickly.

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